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HS Health

Hello my name is Mrs. Podvin.
Welcome to High School Health Class!

Wordle style Health log

The objective of this health course is to educate, inspire and guide students so each one of them can achieve their highest level of health and wellness possible. It’s designed to help students understand the importance of living a healthy, happy, fulfilling life. The goal is to teach students how to be physically, mentally and socially healthy and encourage them to make permanent lifestyle changes that will help them become more confident and healthy individuals. Students will be educated on the importance of taking care of themselves from the inside out, because individuals who are happier and loving of themselves make better personal choices. This course will help students recognize that their actions do affect their own personal health and the health of others. 
Wordle style Health logo 2

About the Course

High School Health can be taken anytime during 9th through 12th grade. Students should discuss and plan, with their Guidance Counselor, what is the best time for them within their own academic schedule.

The course runs a full academic year and meets every other day of a 6 day cycle. Students will have class the entire year on days (1,3,5) or days (2,4,6).

Students will earn 1/2 a credit upon successful completion of the course.

Classroom Projects

1. Disease Project  disease project 2. Drug/Alcohol Project
Drug and alcohol project
3. Nutrition Project
Nutrition Project
4. Self-esteem Project
Self-Esteem Project

ExpectationsHealth Class Expectations and Policies

Welcome to High School Health! The following policies will help our class be a productive learning environment for everyone. My goal is to maximize learning in a fun, comfortable and safe atmosphere.  Please read these policies and share them with your parents. 

PROMPTNESS: Being on time means being in the classroom when the bell rings. Once the bell rings I expect you to quickly take your seats and be ready for instruction.  If you do come into class late without a pass, you are to sign the late sheet with your name, date, time you entered my room and where you came from. Remember… 3 lates = 1 detention

MATERIALS: Be prepared EVERYDAY with…

  • 3 Ring Binder – keep it current and organized by units with dividers
  • White lined loose leaf paper put between each divider in the binder
  • A pen (not red) and a pencil – you never know what we may need that day
  • Homework – if homework was assigned, it must be complete and ready to be turn in at the beginning of class
  • Planner – it’s important to stay organized and informed by writing important assignments and dates in your planner

*Coming to class without the proper materials will result in a deduction of your class participation grade for that day.

SEATS: There will be assigned seats if behavior warrants it.

BELL RINGERS: There will be days that I will have a bell ringer on the board. You are to be ready to begin as soon as the bell rings, follow the instructions on the board and work independently and quietly. These will be graded and points will accumulate throughout the semester. Final accumulation will be put towards participation grade. No prior warning will be given for bell ringers.

HOMEWORK: Homework is to be completed and ready to be turned in at the beginning of the class that it’s due for. I will accept late homework, but 10 points per day will be deducted. I will not accept late homework after we take the unit test that the homework was assigned for. I will not accept late homework once we go over it in class and the answers are given. So, be aware, if you don’t do your homework, a zero could be given. It all depends on the circumstances. Typed assignments must be printed out prior to class.  Do not bring in a disk and ask to print it out during class, take care of that ahead of time. Do not come into class and try to rush through homework to finish it.

CELL PHONE USE: There will be no cell phones visible in the classroom. Students are to keep phones in their backpacks and turned off. I do not want to see students using their phones or having phones sitting out on their desks. If there is an educational purpose for phone use during class instruction, I will approve phone use for that specific activity. If I see a student's phone I will give 1 warning to put the phone away, if it is visible again I will take the phone and give it to administrators.

BATHROOM, DRINKS, NURSE: If you need to leave class for any reason, speak to the teacher and ask permission.  There is a sign out sheet on the bookcase next to the door. You are not to take your phone or backpack with you to these places; you are to leave them in the classroom. Please do your best to use the bathroom and drinking fountain prior to class. I strongly encourage you to bring bottled water to class.  You feel better and learn better when you are well hydrated.

ABSENCES: Any time you miss class, it’s your responsibility to make up all missed work. It’s your responsibility to ask the teacher if you missed any assignments. I will not track you down! Assigned work is due in the same amount of time as it was for others. If I gave the class one day to complete the assignment, you will have one day from the day you return to class. For all school appointments, band, nurse, counseling, field trip, etc., work is due as assigned. You will need to hand in and pick up work beforehand.

BEHAVIOR: I expect you to come to class prepared and ready to learn. I expect you to follow rules, pay attention and respect others. If you are unwilling to do this you will earn verbal warnings from the teacher. If the behavior continues, the teacher will make a phone call or send an email to your parents and there will be a referral to the office. The first step can be skipped if the behavior is of serious nature or is going to harm others emotionally and/or physically.

*It is my belief that the most successful education occurs when students, parents, teachers and administrators work together.  I would like the student and his/her parent to read these expectations and do all you can to support these policies.

course content
Course Content for High School Health

  • Introduction to Health (history of health, intro to health & current health trends)
  • Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases
  • Mental Health (stress management, mental illness, self-esteem)
  • Social Health (communication, building healthy relationships)
  • Nutrition (basic nutrients, reading food labels, sugar/fat content, healthy diet)
  • Reproduction (male/female anatomy & physiology and pregnancy)
  • Parenting (caring for child, family budget, consequences of teen parenting, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and car seat safety)
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (viral and bacterial)
  • Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD, club drugs and methamphetamine)

Grading PolicyGrading Policy

Students will be graded in the following areas...

  • Homework (readings, note taking, worksheets, journals)
  • Quizzes & Bell Ringers (not always announced)
  • Projects (more extensive work, effort & time than daily homework
  • Exams (T/F, multiple choice, short answer, matching and essay)
  • Class Participation (group activities, class discussions, being prepared with proper materials and following the class rules) 
South Jefferson Central School Dist.
PO Box 10, Adams, NY 13605

(315) 583-6104