Our district participates in Offer Vs. Serve at both breakfast and lunch. That means we offer all components that are needed, and the students can take or decline as they wish. At breakfast we offer four components of which the student must choose a minimum of three. We offer a variety of bread/grains, fruit/vegetables and milk components. Menu items may account for one or two components. At lunch, we offer five components of which the student must choose a minimum of three, and can take up to five. Lunch components include meat/meat alternative, bread/grain, fruit, vegetable and milk. Once again, menu items may include more than one component; for example, a chicken sandwich is both the meat/meat alternative, and the grain. To purchase a reimbursable breakfast or lunch, one of the components chosen MUST be a fruit or vegetable at both meals
Each month we will feature a fruit, vegetable or herb. Information about these featured items will be posted in the cafeterias. Students will be able to learn interesting facts about the Harvest of the Month as well as, have an opportunity to experience them either on the daily lunch menu or during sampling.